individual springs (4) each. It is designed to act as asingle spring by means of rods (3) that pass througheach set of springs and end in eyed terminals (6). Theinboard ends of the rods are bolted to clevises (2),which are welded to an equalizing plate (1). The platehas a threaded adjustable rod that is secured to the ship'sstructure to hold the inboard ends of the spring unit.The outboard ends of the rods are bolted to a similarplate, which has a welded clevis outboard, throughwhich is bolted the eyed terminal of thecounterbalancing spring cable. The cable (7) runsthrough two sheaves and is then bolted through itsterminal to the actuator arm of the barricade stanchion,below the point of attachment for the cylinder.When the stanchion is lowered by the cylinder, thesets of springs are uniformly compressed and resist theforce of the descent, and cushions its fall against thedeck. Raising the stanchion slackens the spring cableand decompresses the spring, but this release ofcompression has no appreciable effect on raising thestanchion.STANCHION LATCHStanchion latches are used to secure the stanchionsto the deck in their DOWN position. Stanchion latches(fig. 3-43) are spring-loaded latches bolted to thesubdeck and provided with a slotted frame, designed toallow the latch (5) to be retracted against the force of aspring (2), and turned to lock the latch open. When thestanchion is lowered, the latch may be engaged in a holeprovided in the stanchion, and a spring will hold thelatch in.3-411. END PLATE2. SPRING3. PIN4. BODY5. LATCH12345ABEf0343Figure 3-43.—Stanchion latch assembly.STOWAGETANKCONTROLPANELSIGHTGLASSPUMP/MOTORCONTROLLERACCUMULATORABEf0344Figure 3-44.—Barricade power package.
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