maintenance departments. You should be familiar with
the functions of the entire maintenance department.
Within maintenance organizations, the material
control centers (MCCs) are the contact point for parts
and material requirements. The material control
coordinates these requirements with the supporting
supply activity. This activity may be the aviation support
division or aviation stores division (ASD) of the supply
Material control centers (MCCs) are functional
areas within the maintenance organizations. It is tasked
with the following:
. Ensuring that maintenance requirements for
parts and material are forwarded to ASD in a timely and
continuous manner.
. Ensuring that parts and material received are
expeditious y routed to applicable work centers and not
allowed to accumulate.
It is the responsibility of the material control center
to coordinate material ordering, receipt and delivery.
This is done to ensure the material ordered is the
material required, and that it reaches the work center
within the specified time frame. The following texts
describes how the MCC provides material support to the
maintenance organization.
l Establishing delivery and pickup points for
material as mutually agreed on by supply and the aircraft
maintenance officer.
. Maintaining liaison with the supporting ASD on
maintenance material matters to ensure the material
needs of the organization are satisfied.
. Preparing documents for material required for
operational support of weapons systems. Some
examples of required material are aviation fuel, lube oil,
flight clothing, and general supplies.
l Furnishing technical advice and information to
the supply activity on the identity and quantity of
supplies, parts, and materials.
l Establishing procedures to ensure proper
operation of toolrooms and the performance of tool
l Ensuring surveys are prepared in the event of
loss, damage, or destruction of accountable material.
. Keeping maintenance control advised of the
overall supply situation and its effect on maintenance.
. Performing memorandum operating target
(OPTAR) funding, accounting, charting, and budgeting
of costs.
. Maintaining accountability of material and
equipment on custody.
l Maintaining inventory control of authorized
allowances of material listed in the individual material
readiness list (IMRL) and authorized allowance lists.
. Validating Not Mission Capable Supply/Partial
Mission Capable Supply (NMCS/PMCS) requisitions
daily. Maintaining current NMCS/PMCS status records
by aircraft bureau number.
l Performing aircraft inventory upon receipt or
transfer of an aircraft. The inventory maybe performed
with technical assistance from others. Ensuring
inventory log entries are made and shortage listings are
prepared and forwarded to maintenance control for
inclusion into the aircraft inventory record (AIR).
. Maintaining control/records to ensure turn-in of
defective repairable components within established
time frames.
NOTE: When using a VIDS/MAF to turn in a
defective component, enter the same document number
used to requisition the replacement item.
Work centers and support areas forward requests for
parts and material to MCC. These may be material
required in support of weapons systems maintenance or
administrative areas. These are known as direct and
indirect support requirements. Direct support consists
of MAF-related material requirements needed to
complete a maintenance action. Indirect support
consists of material requirements NOT related to the
maintenance action form (MAF). The MCC is
responsible for entering the data listed in the following
text in the material control register.
NOTE: For activities using the NALCOMIS
system, refer to the users manual for procedures.
. Enter the ORGANIZATION CODE in the
register. This is a three-character, alphanumeric code
that identifies an organization. It identifies the
organization that originally assigned the JCN to a
maintenance action. In case of transient aircraft, the JCN
will contain the organization code of the aircraft