Push Button Controls
The sequence of operations on the C-13 console is
controlled by push buttons. The two types of push
buttons are the momentary-contact and holding-circuit
push buttons. The momentary-contact push button has
to be held in the depressed position to keep the
particular circuit energized. The lube push button,
located only on the emergency panel, and the maneuver
forward and aft push buttons, located on the deckedge
and emergency panels, are examples. The push button
used in a holding circuit stays energized once it is
depressed until that particular circuit is de-energized by
the normal sequence of operations or one of the
suspend switches is actuated. All the push buttons
associated with the normal operation of the console are
incorporated into holding circuits.
C-13 Control Console Panels(CV-63) through
The C-1 3 consoles, shown in figures 4-69 and 4-70,
are divided into four main panels. They are the
operating panel, the emergency panel, the malfunction
Figure 4-70.Main control console (CV-66).