panel, and the gauge panel. The emergency cutout valve
and the various emergency transfer switches are also
located on the console.
OPERATING PANEL. The console operating
panel is used in conjunction with the deckedge panel to
control launching operations. It contains the push
buttons and switches used by the console operators to
control their function in the sequence of operations. The
steam charging panel is used in conjunction with the
operating panel by the operator. It contains the controls
necessary to fill and blow down the steam receivers as
operations require.
EMERGENCY PANEL. The emergency panel
contains all the push buttons and switches that are
located on the deckedge station. This panel is used
under normal conditions during the daily preoperational
inspection of the catapult. It is also used when the
deckedge station is rendered inoperative.
MALFUNCTION PANEL. The malfunction
panel contains green lights that indicate what position
certain components are in during a normal launch and
retraction cycle. During normal operation, the lights on
the panel come on and go out as the launch progresses.
If a phase of the normal launching sequence cannot be
completed, the possible malfunction may be indicated
by a light not coming on at the proper point in the
GAUGE PANELS. Gauges on the control
console gauge panel indicate pressures and temperatures
of those components that are located at various points
throughout the system (not in the immediate vicinity of
the console but an integral part of the operating
sequence). The steam gauge panel for CV-63, CV-64.
and CVN-65 is on the upper part of the control console.
The steam gauge panel for CV-66 is a separate
assembly and is mounted above the control console.
Three gauges on the panel indicate the amount of
pressure in the steam receiver system. Lights on the
panel indicate the status of the steam system
components (CV-66 only). The launching-valve
stroke-timer indicators are located in the lower right
comer of the steam gauge panel.
C-13 Control Console (CV-67)
The control console for the carrier Kennedy, while
considered to be a C-13 console, is considerably
different from the other models. The function and basic
Figure 4-71.Main control console (CV-67).