used many times in this section, you should refer
to this table for symbol meanings.
systems that depend on all or part of the ADC.
Notice that all inputs, such as pitot and static
pressures, go to the digital processor. Signals
resulting from the processing of the inputs go to
the using systems. Although the diagram in
pneumatic and electrical inputs are used.
Major Components
Figure 6-16.-Angle of attack transmitter (probe).
The four major components that collect and
distribute information used in the air data
computer system are listed below.
aircraft model. This way you will be sure the
information on the ADC system is current.
Pitot-static system
Total temperature probe
Forces vary with the angle of attack. The angle of
Air inlet control system
attack is the angle between the relative wind and
the chord of the wing. (The chord of the wing is
a straight line running from the leading edge to
As you know, the functions of these com-
the trailing edge.) Increasing the angle of attack
ponents are essentially the same on all aircraft.
increases the pressure felt under the wing and vice
Only the processing and distribution of air data
information varies from aircraft model to model.
When performing maintenance on any ADC
system, you should refer to the latest maintenance
detects changes in the aircraft's local angle of
instructions manual (MIM) for that particular
attack. It sends these changes, in the form of