The electrical signal outputs are representative of
equipment for the ADC system must be available
altitude, Mach number, true airspeed, angle of
when the system is operating.
attack, total temperature, and impact pressure.
NOTE: To understand air data computer
There is also a pneumatic output of corrected
maintenance in modern aircraft, you must have
static pressure. This output is used by the
a knowledge of digital electronics, including logic
barometric altimeter, airspeed, and vertical speed
indicators, and by some modules within the air
and Electronics Training Series (NEETS),
data computer.
module 13, NAVEDTRA 14155, and Digital
There are four data inputs to the ADC:
Computer Basics, NAVEDTRA 10088, before
Total pressure (pitot)
Indicated static pressure
The air data computer receives information
Indicated angle of attack
from pressure-sensitive and temperature-sensitive
Total temperature
units mounted on external points of the aircraft.
Then, it compensates for errors and sends the
Command and test signal inputs use the available
corrected information to other systems in the
raw and corrected primary data for making
aircraft. Concurrently, it detects any changes in
functional tests of various ADC outputs.
pressure and temperature information. It converts
these changes into usable signals and sends them
respective definitions. Since these symbols are
along with the pressure and temperature signals.
Table 6-1.-Symbols Used with an ADC System