Firemain pressure indication (two meters)
push buttons located on the lower panel. At the
inlet of each fire pump is a split-legend indicator
Fire pump power status
labeled OPEN and CLOSED (E). This indicator
displays the position of the fire pump suction
valve. The top portion of the indicator illuminates
During this discussion, refer to figure 9-27.
The indicators and controls on the lower panel
green to indicate the valve is open. The bottom
portion of the valve illuminates white to indicate
will be discussed from left to right and top to
the valve is closed. There are five indicators on
the DCC lower panel. Located at the lower right
The first indicator on this panel is a
of the panel is a toggle switch labeled LAMP
split-legend status indicator labeled OPEN and
TEST (F). It provides for testing the indicators
CLOSED (A). The top portion of the indicator
on the lower panel.
illuminates green to indicate that the associated
motor-operated valve is open. The bottom
Operation of the fiiemain system is fairly easy.
portion of the indicator illuminates white to
You can start or stop pumps by depressing either
indicate the valve is closed. Associated with each
the pump run or pump stop push button. These
split-legend status indicator is a split-legend
push buttons also serve as indicators of pump
control push button labeled OPEN and CLOSE.
status. The motor-operated isolation valves have
It controls the motor-operated valve. For quick
split-type indicators to display their status. A split-
visual identification, the OPEN/CLOSE push
legend push button is also provided to allow
buttons and valve position indicators for the three
operation of the valves.
ZEBRA condition loop valves are each high-
During general quarters, condition ZEBRA,
lighted with dashed lined boxes. The second
the firemain is segregated into two loops. In
indicator is labeled AFFF PROPN ACTIVATION
this mode, three motor-operated valves must be
(B). It is an alarm indicator that illuminates to
closed. This provides for an upper and a lower
indicate the corresponding AFFF valve is
loop. The upper loop is fed by fire pumps 3 and
activated. This alarm is energized in conjunction
4. The lower loop is fed by pumps 1, 2, and 5.
with the corresponding alarm on the miscellaneous
Since the firemain pressure may be different
fire fighting section of the upper panel. Located
between the loops, two pressure meters are
in the center of the DCC lower panel are two
provided; one is for the upper loop and one for
vertical reading meters labeled ZEBRA-UPPER
the lower loop.
PRESSURE (C). These meters reflect firemain
pressure measured by transducers at the indicated
locations. The meters are scaled from 0 to 300
The next section of the lower panel monitors
Two automatic loggers are located in the CCS
and controls the fire pumps. It contains three
to provide printed copies of plant conditions.
push-button indicators. There are five identical
These automatic loggers are the data logger and
sets of push buttons on this panel, one for each
bell logger. Both of the printers are identical in
fire pump (D). The first control push-button
design and operation. The difference is in the
indicator is labeled FIRE PUMP 4 RUN. It
information the printer is commanded to print.
illuminates green to indicate the fire pump is
running. There are five fire pump run control
push buttons located on the lower panel. The split-
legend indicator control push button is labeled
The data logger (fig. 9-28) provides a hard
top portion of the indicator illuminates to reflect
copy printout of selected monitor points. The
the status of power availability to the fire pump.
printout is initiated automatically once every
The lower portion of the indicator illuminates to
hour; however, an automatic/demand control
indicate the fire pump controller is in local
permits the operator to demand a printout of data
control and remote operation of the pump is not
when it is needed. If a fault alarm occurs, the data
available. The second control push-button
logger prints out the parameter that caused the
indicator, labeled FIRE PUMP 4 STOP,
alarm. The data logger gives the time in seconds
illuminates red to indicate the fire pump is
and identifies the monitored sensor.
stopped. There are five fire pump stop control