Figure 9-30.--Damage control console (DDG-51).
repair station 2 and will automatically switch the
Figure 9-30 is an overall view of the console.
primary damage control location between the
The following paragraphs provide a physical
DCC and the RSC when certain failures are
description of the DCC.
identified in the DCC. The RSC will be discussed
The DCC is a single structural enclosure with
later in this chapter.
three sections designated as A1, A2, and A3. The
Damage control status signals are received
front console has vertical and sloping panels
from peripheral devices that monitor for fire,
for mounting controls and displays and a work
smoke, intrusion, firemain valve position, and
surface that supports a plasma display keyboard.
firemain pump status. Command signals are sent
Accessible from the rear of the Al section are a
from the DCC control panels to the firemain
power supply, a fuse panel, and a tone generator
pumps, firemain valves, washdown counter-
assembly with a speaker and a buzzer. The A2
measure (WDCM) panel, and vertical launch
section has another power supply and a power
sprinkler system.
control panel that are accessible from the rear.
Accessible from the rear of the A3 section is the
panel distributor swing-frame that holds all of the
The vertical panel of the DCC consists of a
standard electronic modules (SEMs). The front
console test section, two plasma display units, and
panels of the console are hinged at the top
the firemain control panel.
so the panels can be raised to reach the plasma
display assemblies and the other panel-mounted
Console Test Section
The first section of the DCC, labeled
The DCC provides centralized control and
CONSOLE, is located at the upper left of the
monitoring of the damage control equipment on
console. It contains two push-button indicators,
the DDG-51 class ship from the CCS. A backup
a rotary potentiometer, and two indicator LEDs.
console for the DCC is the repair station console
The two push buttons, under the heading
(RSC), which is also a part of the machinery
control system (MCS). The RSC is located in