The recirculation fans section, located below
red to indicate high temperature or excess smoke
the exhaust fan section, has 28 split-legend
in one of the locations monitored.
indicators. The 28 recirculation systems have their
status displayed in this portion of the panel. The
top portion of the indicator illuminates green to
indicate the fan is RUNNING. The bottom
portion of the indicator illuminates white to
indicate the fan is STOPPED.
Below the recirculation system monitoring
section are 46 indicators that monitor ducting
closures. They display the open/closed status of
a variety of watertight, blowout, and fire zone
closures. The top portion of the indicator
Ventilation Section
illuminates green to indicate the duct closure is
OPEN. The bottom portion of the indicator
The largest section of the top panel is the
illuminates white to indicate the duct closure is
ventilation section. This section contains four
subsections, three of which monitor fan status and
one that monitors duct closures. No control is
available here, only monitoring capability.
The top subsection is used to monitor the
supply fans. Twenty-four split-legend indicators
display either running or stopped status of the
supply fans. The top portion of the indicator
illuminates green to indicate the fan is RUNNING.
The bottom portion of the indicator illuminates
white to indicate the fan is STOPPED.
Located on the lower left side of the upper
The exhaust fans section, located below the
panel is a switch labeled LAMP TEST SWITCH.
supply fan section, has 23 split-legend indicators.
This switch allows the operator to test the
They monitor the on/off status of 23 exhaust
indicator lights on the upper panel. An identical
ventilation systems. The top portion of the
switch is located on the lower right side of the
indicator illuminates green to indicate the fan is
panel and provides the same function.
RUNNING. The bottom portion of the indicator
illuminates white to indicate the fan is STOPPED.
There are no supply or exhaust fan
indicators in FIRE ZONE 1.