The lube supply subsystem provides oil to the
positive mechanical rig feature allows locking of
bearings. It contains the supply element of the
the PLA actuator output lever at a position of
lube and scavenge pump, the supply duplex filter,
113.5 1. This rig point is used in conjunction
the supply check valve, and the C- and D-sump
with a corresponding rig point on the fuel
supply check valves. The lube scavenge subsystem
control. Its purpose is to establish mechanical
removes the oil from the sumps. It contains the
synchronization between the PLA actuator and
scavenge elements of the lube and scavenge pump.
the fuel control.
Oil from this pump goes to the LOSCA. The
components of the LOSCA are the scavenge oil
filter, the scavenge oil check valve, the oil cooler,
and the oil tank. The third subsystem vents
excessive air pressure to the atmosphere. It
The synthetic lube oil system provides
contains piping to the atmosphere, piping to the
air/oil separator, and the air/oil separator. Figure
adequate cool oil to prevent excessive friction
2-46 is a block diagram of the lube oil system.
and heat. The synthetic lube oil used in this
Please refer to this figure to help you understand
application is MIL-L-23699. It is a dry sump
the following paragraphs as we describe the
system. It is divided into three subsystems with
system's components and the lube oil flow
three functions identified as lube supply, lube
scavenge, and sump vent.
Figure 2-46.--Lube oil system block diagram.