Figure 9-11.--JP-5 control panel (FSCC).
panel has 10 split-legend status indicators labeled
JP-5 Control Panel
OPEN and CLOSED. They illuminate either
OPEN or CLOSED to indicate the position of the
The JP-5 system is used to supply fuel to
manually operated transfer valves. Associated
helicopters and small boats. However, JP-5 can
with the two storage tanks are two split-legend
be used as an emergency fuel for main engines
indicators labeled HIGH and LOW. The HIGH
indicator illuminates amber when the tank level
is controlled from the FSCC. The JP-5 transfer
reaches 90 percent capacity. The LOW indicator
and service operations are controlled from the
illuminates amber when the tank level drops to
JP-5 local control panel. Refer to figure 9-11 as
10 percent capacity. There are two vertical meters
you read the following descriptions of this system.
in this section that continuously monitor the
Our discussions of the sections of this system will
storage tank levels. Since the JP-5 storage tanks
follow a general left-to-right, top-to-bottom
are not seawater compensated, the fuel level is
measured directly from the bottom of the tank.
There are four push-button control indicators
The meters are scaled to indicate fuel level in
on the JP-5 control panel the operator uses to
control the storage tank motor-operated valves.
There are two push-button indicators, under
Two are labeled OPEN and two are labeled
the heading JP-5 TRANSFER located toward the
CLOSED. The OPEN push button illuminates
bottom center of the JP-5 control panel. The split-
green to indicate the valve is open. The CLOSED
legend push-button indicator labeled PUMP
push button illuminates white to indicate the
displays the JP-5 transfer pump ON or OFF
valve is closed. Located between the motor-
status. Depressing this push button turns the
operated valve control push buttons is a split-
pump off if it is running, but the pump cannot
legend push button labeled AUTO FILL and
be started from the FSCC. The other indicator,
MAN. In the AUTO FILL position, the JP-5
under the heading JP-5 TRANSFER, is an alarm
auto fill system functions to close the JP-5
indicator labeled HIGH PRESS. It illuminates
storage tank valve during a fill operation if that
amber to indicate a high differential pressure
particular storage tank generates a high level
across the JP-5 transfer pump filter. The alarm
alarm. In the MAN position, the JP-5 storage
indicator, under the heading JP-5 DRAIN TANK,
tank valves are operated manually when the
is labeled HIGH. It illuminates amber to indicate
operator presses the appropriate OPEN or
the drain tank level has exceeded the preset limit.
CLOSED push-button indicator. The JP-5 control