activated at the l-Hz rate. Depressing the FAULT
There are four alarm/status indicators
ALARM TEST activates the audible and visual
grouped under the heading JP-5 SERVICE. The
alarm indicators at l-Hz. The operator clears the
first indicator is a split-legend push-button
alarm in the same manner as for the hazard alarm.
indicator labeled HIGH and LOW. It illuminates
The second push button under the heading JP-5
HIGH when the PORT JP-5 service tank level
is labeled HAZARD ALARM TEST. Depressing
reaches 90 percent. It illuminates LOW if the tank
this push button allows the operator to perform
level drops to 10 percent. The second split-legend
a hazard alarm test of all alarm indicators on the
push-button indicator, labeled HIGH and LOW,
JP-5 control panel.
performs the same monitoring function for the
Depressing the FO hazard alarm test push
STBD service tank. The third split-legend control
button during actual fueling operations in the
push button displays the service pump ON or OFF
NORM mode will cause the receiving tank
status. Depressing this push button turns the
cutout valves and the main fill valve to close.
pump OFF if it is running, but the operator
Acknowledging the alarm by depressing the alarm
cannot start the pump from the FSCC. The fourth
indicator will stop the main fill valve from
indicator, labeled HIGH
PRESS, is an alarm
closing at whatever point it has reached. The
indicator for the JP-5 service filter separator
receiving tank valves will not stop closing but can
differential pressure. It illuminates amber if the
be opened by depressing the OPEN push button
differential pressure across the filter separator is
after acknowledging the fuel overflow alarm.
15 psid or greater.
Normally there is little maintenance necessary
Located on the right edge of the JP-5 control
for the FSCC. On most ships, the FSCC must be
panel is an annunciator labeled AUDIBLE
tested and calibrated before refueling. To perform
ALARM. It is a buzzer that provides the operator
with an audible indication that an alarm has been
must be familiar with the rear panel of the FSCC.
generated. Located to the right of the AUDIBLE
ALARM is a status indicator labeled CONSOLE
top-to-bottom fashion. Refer to figure 9-12
HIGH TEMP. It illuminates amber to indicate
during this discussion.
the internal temperature of the FSCC has
exceeded a preset temperature.
Card Cage
Located on the right of the JP-5 control panel
Section 1A2A1 houses the card cage. It
of the FSCC are hazard, fault, and lamp test push
contains the 32 printed circuit boards (PCBs)
buttons. Depressing the individual push buttons
sends a test signal to the console electronics and
actuates the alarms. The first push button is under
the heading FUEL OIL. Depressing this push
button, labeled HAZARD ALARM TEST, causes
all the alarm indicators on the FO fill and transfer
control panel to flash at a 4-Hz rate and produces
an audible alarm. The operator must then depress
the individual alarm indicators to clear the alarms.
In fact, the operator must depress all the
indicators before the audible alarm will clear. The
HAZARD ALARM TEST indicates that the
alarms are operating correctly within their
prescribed setting. The second push button, under
the heading FUEL OIL AND JP-5, is labeled
LAMP TEST. Depressing this push button
illuminates all lights on the console, allowing the
operator to determine which light bulbs need
replacement. Releasing the push button completes
the test and extinguishes the lights. The last two
push buttons are under the heading JP-5. The first
push button, labeled FAULT ALARM TEST, is
used by the operator to test the system's alarm
circuitry. If a fault occurs, such as an open in
the wiring, audible and visual alarm indicators are
Figure 9-12.--Fuel system control console--rear view.