components that are to be installed immediately
Step-by-step procedures for the repair of
subsequent to bench testing should be drip-drained,
components are provided in the "Intermediate
capped, and plugged as necessary. Plastic plugs are
Maintenance" section of some MIMs and/or 03
prohibited because of the possibility of plastic chips
manuals. In general, repairs will consist of cleaning,
entering the component and damaging seals or
disassembly, inspection, and replacement of failed
blocking critical passages.
parts, reassembly, and testing.
The man-hours expended in correcting malfunc-
Inspection of disassembled components includes
tions are documented on a VIDS/MAF. When a part is
checking for visible damage to internal parts, thread
removed and is to be processed through the IMA for
damage, condition of plating, wear limitations, spring
repairs, an additional VIDS/MAF is initiated with the
distortion, specified free length of spring, and
appropriate information filled in and attached to the
corrosion. In some cases, nondestructive inspection of
component for turn-in. Consult the appropriate man-
critical parts to detect discontinuities and fatigue cracks
uals for proper documentation of the VIDS/MAF. The
is required.
job is not considered complete until the necessary paper-
Reassembly will normally be in the reverse order of
work has been completed, screened, and turned in.
disassembly and will include proper installation of
Q15-19. What component is installed in the pressure
parts, seals, packings, retainers, torquing, safety
line of the wing fold and wing lock selector
wiring, and cotter keying, as applicable. Test of the
valves to vent excessive pressure buildup
component following repair will further verify its
because of thermal expansion of trapped fluid
ability to perform its intended function and will
into the combined system return lines?
generally consist of proof testing, static leak testing,
and operational testing.
Q15-20. Wing lock warning flags rarely get out of
adjustment; however, when one fails to
Throughout the complete intermediate level repair
retract, what does it indicate?
operation, the components undergoing repair must be
subjected to quality assurance verification of specified
repair steps as indicated in the applicable MIM or (03)
overhaul manual. It is NOT sufficient to eliminate the
progressive quality assurance and verify the operation
of the end product.
types of generator drive systems. Identify their
Stationary test benches used for testing hydraulic
components and applicable maintenance re-
Repaired components that are not to be installed
The ac generator drive system shown in figure
immediately must be filled with MIL-H-46170 unless
15-13 is hydraulically operated by pressure from the
otherwise specified. All openings are capped or
hydraulic power system. The AC GEN switch on the
plugged with approved metal closures. Repaired