the tool includes a set of chuck jaws that fit the pull
higher pressure that builds up after the valve has
grooves in the rivet pin to pull it through the rivet shank
to drive the rivet. The nose also has an outer anvil that
3. To adjust the pressure, loosen the valve
bears against the outer part of the manufactured head
adjusting screw locknut and turn the valve-adjusting
during the driving operation. The third nose component
screw clockwise to increase pressure, or counter-
is an inner anvil that advances automatically to drive the
clockwise to decrease pressure, until the desired
locking collar home after the blind head is formed. A
pressure is obtained. Check the pressure after
short nose assembly, interchangeable with the standard
tightening the valve-adjusting screw locknut. When
assembly, is available for use in areas of restricted
you drive rivets of extremely long grip length, you
should make an adjustment to the high-pressure limit.
A change in rivet diameter requires a change in
For efficient operation of the tool, the minimum desired
chuck jaws, outer anvil, inner anvil, and inner anvil
line pressure should be not less than 90 psi and the
thrust bearing, and an adjustment of the shift valve
maximum not more than 110 psi.
operating pressure. A change in the rivet head type
When you are using a CP350A or B rivet pull tool,
from universal head to countersunk head without a
it may be necessary to increase the inside diameter of
change in rivet diameter, or vice versa, requires only a
the air inlet bushing, part number 81479, from 0.055
change of the outer anvil.
to 0.065 of an inch when you are driving
A special chuck jaw assembly tool is furnished
3/16-inch-diameter rivets, if the line pressure is below
with the tool. To insert the chuck jaws into the chuck
90 psi. When you are driving 1/8-inch-diameter rivets,
sleeve, you should mount the three jaws on this
it may be necessary to use an air inlet bushing, part
assembly tool to form a cone. Then lower the inverted
number 82642 that has a 0.040-inch inside diameter. If
chuck sleeve over the jaws. You should always be sure
the tool "flutters," reduce the line pressure to 60 psi
that the pull tool is equipped with the correct size chuck
with an air regulator, part number 900-102, attached to
jaws, the outer and inner anvils fit the rivets being
the air inlet bushing.
driven, and the relief valve operating pressure is
When you are using a CP350C rivet pull tool to
properly adjusted for the size rivets being driven. Also
drive 1/16- and 5/32-inch-diameter rivets, use the air
make sure that the rivets are of proper length. The tool
inlet bushing, part number 81479, and the shift valve
has only one operating adjustment. This adjustment is
stop, part number 83731. When you are driving
used to control the pull on the pin. The desired amount
1/8-inch-diameter rivets with the CP350C, use the air
of the pull depends on the diameter of the rivets to be
inlet bushing, part number 83642, and reduce the line
installed. The pull is varied by changing the pressure at
pressure to 60 psi with an air regulator, part number
which the adjustable shift valve operates. To adjust the
900-102, attached to the air inlet bushing.
pressure, proceed as follows:
The equipment used for the installation of
1. Remove the pipe plug from the tool cylinder
cherrylock rivets is similar to the huck rivet. See figure
and connect a pressure gauge to the tool.
4-50. The operation and adjustment of the pulling heads
2. Press the trigger and release it the instant a puff
of exhaust indicates the shift valve controlling the inner
anvil has shifted. The gauge will then indicate the shift
pressure. See table 4-3 for the approximate pressures.
Table 4-3.--Adjustments for CP350 Blind Rivet Pull Tool
Rivet Diameter
Shift Valve Operating
30 to 31 psi
46 to 47 psi
66 to 67 psi
NOTE: The trigger must be released immediately
as the valve shifts. Otherwise the gauge will record the
Figure 4-50.--Cherrylock guns.