3. After locating the correct group master index
You have several steps to take to find the correct
diagram, obtain the correct item number for the
repair materials and procedures in a structural repair
damaged component from the illustration.
manual. Figure 4-57 shows each of the steps.
4. Find the index number for the damaged unit
NOTE: The aircraft structural repair manual,
from the component diagram.
shown in figure 4-57, was selected as a typical manual.
The procedures that follow are typical but are not
5. The index number is then matched with the
standard. Various manufacturers use different methods
item number on the repair material chart. This chart
to indicate the types of materials used and special
will normally give the part's description, drawing
instructions for using their particular manual.
number, gauge, type of material, and location of repair
1. The extent of the damage to the aircraft is
determined by the inspection of the damaged area, as
6. You can find the repair diagram by locating the
previously explained.
required section of the manual and turning to the
correct figure in that section. Access provisions and
2. Using a master index diagram, identify the
negligible damage information are given on the repair
damaged group of the aircraft. From the table shown on
diagrams. After the damage has been cleaned,
the diagram, determine the section of the manual where
determine whether or not the damage is negligible
the component is found.
Figure 4-57.--How to use a structural repair manual.