Q16-37. What is the actual tension on a 3/16-inch
Proof (Load) Testing Cables
diameter cable if a No. 2 riser is used and the
All newly fabricated cables should be tested for
dial on the tensiometer reads 48?
proper strength before they are installed in aircraft.
Q16-38. When the control column is in neutral, the
The test consists of applying a specified tension load
trailing edge of the control surface should be
aligned to what degree on the throwboard
on the cable for a specified number of minutes. The
proof loads for testing various size cables are given in
Q16-39. With the aft sector rig pin in place, the
tables contained in NAVAIR 01-1A-8. Proof loading
will result in a certain amount of permanent stretch
must you do to correct this?
being imparted to the cable. This stretch must be taken
Q16-40. A 1/8-inch flight control cable is composed of
into account when you fabricate cable assemblies.
how many strands and wires?
Cables that are made up slightly long may be entirely
Q16-41. What tools can be used to cut a small diameter
too long after proof loading.
Q16-42. What is the most satisfactory method of
Q16-25. How many control cables are there in a simple
cutting a cable?
cable system?
Q16-43. To achieve the most efficient operation when
Q16-26. Other than periodical inspections, what else
swaging a cable end fitting, you must use a
must be done to a control cable?
3/8-inch air line with at least how many
pounds of pressure?
Q16-27. What is the maximum number of broken
wires allowed in a 1-inch length of a 7 x 19
Q16-44. What manual contains information on proof
testing various size cables?
Q16-28. What is the maximum number of broken
wires allowed in a 1-inch length of a 7 x 7
Q16-29. What is the maximum number of broken
wires allowed per inch on a control cable
passing over pulleys, drums, or through a
various functions of secondary flight control
systems. Identify maintenance procedures
Q16-30. What is the purpose of a quick disconnect in a
associated with each function.
cable system?
Q16-31. A simple rigid control system consists of what
Secondary flight controls, such as wing flaps and
speed brakes, are usually hydraulically operated and
Q16-32. After installing a new push-pull rod in a flight
either mechanically or electrically controlled. The
control system, what must be done to the
design of these flight controls slows the aircraft in
control surface?
flight and provides additional lift and stability. These
design features greatly increase the versatility and
Q16-33. What is the purpose of a bell crank and a
performance of the aircraft.
walking beam?
Q16-34. What is the purpose of a double-spring
A flap is a hinged or pivoted section that forms the
Q16-35. The purpose of rigging and adjusting a
rear portion of an airfoil used to vary the effective
primary flight control system is to regulate
chamber. Wing flaps in their most commonly used form
and limit surface deflection in both directions.
are hinged sections of the trailing edges of a wing. Flaps
What other purpose does it serve?
extend from the fuselage to the inboard side of the
Q16-36. A tensiometer is inaccurate for measuring
aileron. Wing flaps are connected to the main wing by
cable tension under how many pounds?
various kinds of hinges and slides.