Do not insert or remove dies until the air supply
that is connected to the swager is shut off. Failure to
secure the air supply connected to the swager could
result in personal injury to the operator.
With the pneumatic tool set up for use, perform the
following steps while swaging terminals to cables:
1. Position the terminal on the cable, using the old
cable as a pattern, or follow the instructions given in the
applicable technical directives. When you are using a
ball terminal, a minimum of 1 1/2 inches of cable must
extend beyond the ball to allow room for holding and
turning the terminal during swaging. The excess is
trimmed, if necessary, after the swaging operation.
When you use MS 20667 terminals, 1/4 inch of cable
must extend through the terminal. On all other
terminals, the cable is bottomed (inserted all of the way
into the terminal).
2. Each terminal is cleaned with a suitable solvent,
and then coated with a light oil.
3. With the terminals positioned in the cavity of the
forward die, slide the rear die to its forward position
using the slot provided in the yoke for the index finger.
NOTE: To prevent damage to terminal or cable
during the swaging cycle, maintain light pressure on
the cable towards the front of the swager. This holds the
terminal and cable firmly in the forward die cavity.
4. Depress the foot valve firmly and rotate the
cable back and forth in 180-egree arcs or complete
revolutions. The length of time the foot valve is held
Figure 16-31.--Locating the terminal in the swaging tool.
depends upon the type and size of fitting being swaged.
insertion of the mating die. The second die is inserted
The proper time can be found by referring to the chart
with the shank facing forward.
supplied with the pneumatic swaging tool. If the
terminal will not rotate, stop swaging immediately;
T h e f o l l ow i n g s t e p - b y - s t e p p r o c e d u r e s a r e
rotate the terminal 90 degrees, and start swaging again.
recommended for setting up the pneumatic swaging
5. Release the foot pedal to stop swaging, and
remove the terminal from the swaging tool for
1. Connect the air supply to the foot valve. For
inspection. If the diameter is oversize or the terminal
efficient operation, use an inlet air line with at least
surface is too rough, repeat the operation.
3/8-inch inside diameter and a minimum of 90 pounds
of line pressure.
If swaged terminals are to be used on both ends of
the cable, recheck the overall length of the cable and
2. Connect the swager air line to the foot valve.
trim it, if necessary, prior to installing the second
3. Clean the dies, remove any steel particles that
terminal. Make certain that all additional fittings and
may have adhered to the die cavity, and apply a light film
accessories, such as cable stops and fairleads, are
of oil to the entire die.
slipped onto the cable in the proper sequence. The
4. Insert the dies in the swaging tool as previously
other terminal may then be swaged, using the same
procedures as used for the first one.