inventory as well as a separate listing of tools in
implementation of their own TCP. The follow-
ing information is part of each TCP:
The AD who has custody of a toolbox must
1. An allowance list for tool containers
prevent the loss of the tools or the toolbox
2. A standard tool list and layout diagram for
through neglect or misuse. Although hand tools
each container
are normally classified as consumable items, they
are expensive and must be paid for when lost or
3. Procurement information necessary to
damaged. OPNAVINST 4790.2 (series) outlines
procure tool containers and other associated
the policies and procedures for control of hand
tools. Usually, your activity will have a local MI
concerning the inventory interval and methods for
required to implement each TCP after it has been
reporting lost or damaged tools.
formulated and released. Each ACC sets forth a
NOTE: Broken or damaged tools can
specific policy by means of instructions. Examples
damage equipment, hardware, and parts.
of these publications are the CNALINST 4790.16
They can also cause personal injury to the
(series), CNAPINST 4790.18 (series), and NAV-
worker or others.
AIRINST 10290.2 (series) instructions. The Naval
Air Engineering Center will process revisions to
All personnel have specific responsibilities
the tool allowance list, as well as error lists, Each
local command, ship, and squadron should
under the TCP. All tool containers should have
prepare a local command maintenance instruction
a lock and key as part of their inventory. When
(MI) to assign the responsibilities for the TCP.
work is to be completed away from the work
spaces, complete tool containers should be taken
The material control officer is responsible for
to the job. If you need more tools than the tool
ensuring that tools are procured and issued on a
container contains, tool tags may be used to check
controlled basis. Some commands may establish
out additional tools. These tools come from other
a tool control center under the material control
tool containers in the work center or from another
officer. In activities operating aboard ships,
work center. The following is a list of some of
where a tool control center is not practical, the
your responsibilities under the work center Tool
commanding officer designates, in writing, a tool
Control Program:
control coordinator.
1. Upon task assignment, note the number of
The TCP contains the listing of each tool
the tool container on copy 1 of the VIDS/MAF.
container. The TCP acts as an inventory for each
Place this note to the left of the Accumulated
type, model, and series of aircraft and equipment
Work Hours section. Conduct a sight inventory
worked on. The container exterior will clearly
identify the work center, tool container number,
before beginning each task. All shortages must
and organization. The tools in each container will
be noted. Every measure must be taken to make
sure missing tools do not become a cause of FOD:
have the work center code, organization code, and
container number etched onto them. Special
work stoppage occurs, and after maintenance has
accountability procedures will be established
been completed. Perform an inventory before
locally for those tools not suitable for etching.
Drill bits (too hard), jeweler's screwdrivers
conducting an operational systems check on the
(too small), and beryllium hand tools (dust is
hazardous to personnel) are not suitable for
2. After you account for all tools and
complete all maintenance actions, the work center
supervisor signs the VIDS/MAF.
Tool pouches are to be considered as tool
3. If any tool is found to be missing during
containers, and most are manufactured locally.
The position for each tool in the container will
search. The search should occur before reporting
be silhouetted against a contrasting background.
the work completed or signing off the VIDS/
The silhouetted tool outline will highlight
MAF. If the tool cannot be located, notify
each tool location within the container. Those
maintenance control to ensure that the aircraft or
containers not silhouetted will contain a diagram
equipment is not released.
of the tool locations. Containers will include an