After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Identify the purpose and procedures of the
Recognize the use and safety procedures for
tool control program.
special tools (torque wrenches and microm-
Recognize the use and safety procedures for
common hand tools.
Recognize the selection, identification, and
proper use of different aircraft hardware.
Each year, thousands of dollars of damage to
can't drive spikes with a tack hammer; yet, some
may try. It is your responsibility to keep your tools
aircraft engines and serious injuries to personnel
in good condition and ready for use. A screw-
result from the wrong use of tools and hardware.
driver that has been damaged by use as a chisel
Using the wrong type of hardware or improper
or pry bar has no place in a mechanic's toolbox.
safetying of hardware may cause flight controls
Damaged tools may cause damage to parts or
to jam or come loose. Engines experience foreign
injury to the worker.
object damage (FOD) because of the improper use
of tools and hardware. Tools are found in air-
The material in this chapter emphasizes
craft fuel cells and engine bays even though a Tool
Control Program guards against these mistakes.
information from other training manuals and
With so much at stake, we must continually
should be studied with them. For a complete
description of different tools and their use,
emphasize basic tool and hardware use.
refer to Tools and Their Uses, N A V E D -
TRA 10085 (series).
You must have a well-rounded knowledge of
many different types of tools. You must know the
The Tool Control Program was established to
reduce FOD-related mishaps. The program is
purpose for which the tools were designed. An
intended to ensure tool accountability both before
important attribute that a mechanic must have is
and following the performance of aircraft-related
the ability to use the right tool for the job. The
maintenance tasks.
correct tool must be used whether that job is a
minor adjustment or a major engine overhaul.
The CNO is the overall sponsor. NAVAIR-
SYSCOM is the responsible agent for develop-
You have often heard that a mechanic is only
ment and issuance of a Tool Control Plan for
as good as his tools. That is a half-truth. The
each type of aircraft and engine. This TCP is a
mechanic must not only have the correct tools but
guide to aviation maintenance activities in the
must know the proper use of these tools. You