. Flow test
. Converter charge
The relief valve vents at least 100 liters per
minute (lpm) with an applied pressure of 100 to
120 psig. The maximum allowable leakage with
95 psig applied is 0.01 lpm. Make the following
entries on the performance test sheet:
1. Locate the indicated inches of water (inch
of H2o) for 100 lpm on correction card 4. Enter
indicated inches of H2O in the space provided on
the performance test sheet.
2. Locate the indicated psig for the actual
pressures of 95, 100 and 120 psig on correction
card number 2. Enter indicated psig in space
provided on performance test sheet.
3. Locate the indicated inches of H2O for the
actual flow of 0.01 lpm on correction card number
7. Enter the indicated in.
H2O in space
provided on performance test sheet.
The converter leakage test is performed with
the converter pressurized with gaseous oxygen to
95 psig. Locate the indicated psig for the actual
95 psig on correction card number 2. Enter
indicated psig in space provided on performance
test sheet.
The time required to fill the converter (10
liters) should not exceed 10 minutes at a filling
pressure of 30 psig.
The time required for the filled converter to
buildup to a working pressure of 70 psig should
not exceed 5 minutes from time the servicing
trailer filler valve is disconnected from converter.
Locate indicated psig for the actual 70 psig
pressure on correction card number 2. Enter
indicated psig in space provided on performance
test sheet.
The converter can deliver gaseous oxygen at
a flow rate of 120 lpm while maintaining a
pressure of 55 to 90 psig. Make the following
entries on the performance test sheet:
1. Locate the indicated inches of H2O for the
actual flow of 120 lpm on correction card number
4. Enter indicated inches of H2O in space
provided on performance test sheet.
2. Locate the indicated psig for actual
pressures of 55 and 90 psig on correction card
number 2. Enter actual psig in spaces provided
on performance test sheet.
Upon completing the bench test, the converter
is emptied of LOX, purged with nitrogen, and
pressurized with gaseous oxygen at 25 to 30 psig.
This prevents moisture from entering the
converter during shipment/storage. Locate the
indicated psig for the actual pressures of 25 to 30
psig on correction card number 2. Enter indicated
psig in spaces provided on the performance test
This section contains the procedural steps for
inspecting, testing, troubleshooting, disassembly,
cleaning, repair, assembly and adjusting of the
GCU-24/A liquid oxygen converter assembly
(P/N 10C-0016-10).
Procedural steps outlined in this section are
listed under the inspection cycle in which they are
required, and in the sequence in which they
normally occur.
The acceptance/turnaround/daily/preflight/
postflight and transfer inspections consist of a
visual inspection followed by a functional test.
These inspections and tests are performed along
with the aircraft inspection requirements for the
aircraft in which the converter is installed. In
making the following checks, if you discover any
defects, refer to table 12-17 for troubleshooting