Figure 12-8.Converter performance test sheet (Sheet 2 of 2).
test stand. Refer to chapter 11 for calibration
Preparation of the liquid oxygen converter
Performance Test Sheet (fig. 12-8), which is
used for the performance test and for the bench
test described later, requires entering the
appropriate indicated flows and pressures in the
spaces provided.
The indicated flows and
pressures are extracted from the test stand calibra-
tion correction cards (fig. 11-6 of chapter 11).
The test stand calibration correction cards
contain all actual flows and pressures required to
test all known models of liquid oxygen converters
presently in service. Converting actual flows and
pressures to indicated flows and pressures is
normally accomplished during calibration of the
The Performance Test Sheet is prepared as
shown in figure 12-8. The Performance Test Sheet
shown is a sample, but may be reproduced for
local use.
The following tests require the extraction of
appropriate indicated flows and/or pressures from
the test stand calibration correction cards (figure
11-6 of chapter 11).
Relief valve test
Converter leakage test
Fill and buildup time test