Figure 2-26.--Compressor rear frame.
combustor, the fuel manifold, 30 fuel nozzles,
combustor, fuel nozzles, and the first-stage
turbine nozzle.
2 spark igniters, and the first-stage HP turbine
Two borescope ports are provided in the aft
nozzle support. To provide the ship's bleed
portion of the case for inspection of the turbine
blades and nozzles. The B sump contains the No.
internal manifold within the frame extracts
4R and 4B bearings (R or no letter = roller,
B = ball). The 4B bearing is the thrust bearing for
routes it through struts 3, 4, 8, and 9.
the HP rotor system. The frame struts provide
Compressor discharge air is also used for
passage for lube oil, scavenge oil, sump vent, seal
cooling the HP internal structures and the
leakage (air leakage past the compressor discharge
HP stage 1 and stage 2 blades. This will
pressure (CDP) seals), and customer bleed air for
be addressed in more detail later. Six bore-
masker, prairie, anti-icing, and engine starting
scope ports, located in the case just forward
services. The rear frame supports the aft end of
of the mid flange, permit inspection of the